Here will be short descriptions of danish expressions to navigate around the website and my ancestor’s databases.
The databases are made in the WinFamily software. With this SW it is easy to make webpages – they may be not sophisticated, but easy to use.
It always opens in a new “window”, so blocking of “pop-ups” may have to be disabled for my website. In the database you can search on family names ( “persons” ) or places (“steder”).
Always use single click on left mouse bottom !
In the list of persons, click on the desired one – and a dedicated page for this person will open:
The green section on top will show – birth date ( “født”), baptism (“Døbt”), death (“død”) and burial (“Begravet”).
There will be a Note field with a short biography (in danish of course).
The grey section will show family relations: Parents, spouse and children.
In the list of children you will only be able to click on the one which happens to be my ancestor.
Ancestors: Scroll down and you will have the table of 3 generations of ancestors of the person.
On the blue coloured persons can be clicked upon and will open the page of this person – so you can navigate amoung the ancestors.
Please you may also try to run the text through the Google Translator…. good luck, it may give surprises and sometimes a good laugh….
More help on danish genealogy can be found e.g. at the Danish Genealogists Association . You may find a “forum” where you can submit requests for searches on Danish relatives or ancestors and there will be many helpful people assisting you. As usual in Denmark, all these genealogy services comes for free …… you may have to register, but there is no charge.
/ Bjørn Jan.2011